The Annals of Skorne - Character List
Baldric is the heir prince of the Kingdom of Adgul. He declined his birthright and has been sent into exile in the frozen north in order to prevent a succession crisis while his cousin prepares to assume the throne.
Baldric is a kind and idealistic young man who believes the circumstances of one's birth should not dictate their future. Blood does not qualify him to rule. However, his refusal to accept banishment instead of the throne sets him on a path with a fate beyond his imagining.
The Shagin are an all-female race. They are feared and ostracized for simply existing. In hopes of a better future for their children, the Furies, the fiercest fighters and leaders of the Shagin warriors, have defied the elders and joined the Sovereign Alliance.
For the Furies, none are more fierce than the blood-knight Artemis. There are those who believe she possesses the spirit of a goddess of war. For her prowess, she has been gifted the Shadow Sword.
Now she leads the combined forces of the Sovereign Nations in the battle of Akashvani. Despite being outnumbered twelve to one, the advance of the Coalition forces have been halted by her leadership.
The Immortal Warrior
The Immortal Warrior is the Guardian of the Three Realms. He was chosen by the gods to save the land, unite the Three Realms, and maintain peace and stability across all kingdoms.
For a thousand years, his reign over the Three Realms has stood absolute. However, his efforts to maintain stability has caused some to see him as a tyrant. Now, a number of nation have rebelled against him, and declared their independence as the Sovereign Alliance.
Feared as a witch, Sera has gained advanced knowledge of science and medicine through her advisor Sokaris, a being from another dimension.
Legato is the Sage of Terra and the Immortal Warrior's righthand man. He serves as his chief advisor.
Mtendere is a Fury and Artemis's second in command.