The Songstress - Character List
Full Name: Hikari Daughter of Eanna
Age: 17
Mother: Eanna Daughter of Beata
Father: Okawa Nobuhiro
Bio: Kari was born in Valceem, Xiang at the tail end of the Sovereign War. She was only a few months old when the Shagin Purge began. Kari and her mother were Shagin, and to keep her daughter safe, Eanna fled with the few survivors to the sacred island, Mystikos. There Kari grew up, learning to harness her innate magical abilities. When Kari came of age at thirteen, she was banished from Mystikos and forced to return to the mainland.
She returned to her birthplace, hoping to find the father she never knew. However, four long years have passed, and Kari has yet to meet him. Instead, she found Suying, and the two became fast friends. They had much in common, both lacked a home or any kind of shelter. To support the pair of them, Kari has taken to singing in a local teahouse, but even with a job, they are often forced to steal food just to survive, and they spend many cold winter nights huddled together for warmth. Through their struggles, Kari and Suying have seen each more as sisters than friends.
Renowned for her enchanting songs, grace, and exquisite beauty, Kari has become quite popular among the locals. However, her popularity has also drawn the attention of Cai Ren who is hunting for fresh additions to the imperial harem.

Full Name: Lin Suying
Age: 14
Family: Deceased
Bio: Suying hails from the Xiao’lavoth district of Valceem. Born to a middle class family, when she was eleven, a group of bandits raided her family’s home, looting the house and murdering all its residents. Suying was the sole survivor of her family, having scaled a rear wall to escape the carnage.
Suying spent the next few weeks alone, starving on the harsh streets of Valceem. Kari that found her huddled on the side of the street, begging for food. While Kari didn’t have any to give, the two of them bonded, and together, they fought to survive.

Full Name: Tachikawa Inahime
Age: 18
Sister: Emiko
Bio: Ina was born to a family of wealth and privilege. Her father was a well-respected doctor and healer. All of that changed when her father became sick and died. The healer could not heal himself.
To care for the family, it was Ina’s sister Emiko that first joined the harem. Emiko rose to the rank of Matron, and provided her family with all the wealth her new position provided her. Until she too died of the same disease which claimed her father.
Now Ina has joined the harem. Ina provides Kari with a wealth of information, but, with hidden intentions in mind, what will Ina’s involvement mean for Kari’s plight?

Full Name: Emperor Tian Jiaorong
Age: 45
Brother: Baoshun
Mother: Empress Dowager Xiaoxianhua
Bio: A mighty warrior and fierce general, Jiaorong first came to renown as a young captain during the Sovereign War. Sovereign forces had besieged Valceem. With the wall in danger of breech, Jiaorong led a small band of soldiers in skirmishes and battles against the fiercest warriors of the Sovereign Alliance.
For his role in the war, Jiaorong was promoted to general and eventually, Grand General of Xiang. He used to political clout to help maneuver his brother, Baoshun, through the ranks of the ministry, until he was High Chancellor.
With the two brothers united, they controlled all areas of government. Only one person held more authority than them, the emperor. Not content as the second most powerful men in Xiang, the brothers plotted to overthrow the emperor.
Their taking of the capital was bloody. They slaughtered thousands to topple the emperor and secure their power. With their rule united, they agreed to rule together, both as emperors.
Their reign of tyranny was just beginning. They slaughtered any who opposed them. Every action they took was an attempt to secure their power and satisfy their cravings. With the empire in shambles, they sold off territory to support their decadent lifestyle.
Their tyranny has not gone unnoticed. Thirty-seven assassination attempts have been made to kill the Tian brothers. Only one assassin survived the encounter. The attempts on their life have driven the brothers closer together for protection.
Jiaorong is a peerless warrior, unmatched under heaven and posses the greatest threat to Kari’s survival.


Full Name: Emperor Tian Baoshun
Age: 45
Brother: Jiaorong
Mother: Empress Dowager Xiaoxianhua
Wife: Empress Consort Tsuda Izumi
Bio: Unlike his brother, Baoshun pursued diplomatic means to gain power. He entered a life of politics within the ministry. He quickly rose through the ranks, through his cunning and ruthlessness.
Baoshun married when he was younger. He followed in his brother’s footsteps as they rose to power. Baoshun used his political clout to better position the two of them in their quest for more power.
He is a shrewd and cunning strategist who fancies himself an intellectual, and values mind over might.
Cai Ren

Full Name: High Chancellor Cai Ren
Age: 36
Bio: Cai Ren served as the Grand Secretary of Revenue under Emperor Weijin. When the Tian brothers came into power, Cai Ren went to great lengths to prove his loyalty to the new regime. As a reward for his devotion and loyalty, the new emperors escalated him to High Chancellor.
While the emperors focus on their personal pleasures, much of the governing of the empire has fallen on him, allowing him to grow in power. Tasked with finding fresh additions to the imperial harem, rumors of an exquisite songstress of unrivaled beauty have reached his ears. With his own agenda in mind, what surprises does he have in store for Kari?
Full Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Family: Unknown
Bio: Not much is known of the enigmatic captain of the third squad of the Kitsuno Kai. Only one thing is for sure about him, he is a deadly opponent for all in his wake.
The Kitsuno Kai have long protected the empire and are tasked with routing out all who threaten the nation. Given authority to kill at will, they can go wherever they want, and do whatever they want to secure stability and security for the empire.

Full Name: Matron Zhenhua
Age: 27
Bio: Zhenhua is the matron of the storehouse. Her role is to prepare fresh additions, called “selected ladies,” for life in the harem. She takes her responsibilities very seriously and believes the best method of remaking a commoner into an imperial attendant is by first breaking them at their core and rebuilding them to be worthy of imperial life. Zhenhua is the best at this.